January 2013

ducks_550wWell, there goes December 2012. It was another year and if you are reading this you got through it. I know of many who did not make it to 2013. it was certainly nice to see December 21st come and go. For the last few years the view of that date has been associated via films and television as a dire date of catastrophe. The media just loves fear and fear is the source of most of our problems in life.

For sometime I have pondered the word faith and been unable to find a definition that really works for me. And though a suitable definition eludes me, I have found the opposite of faith and that is fear.

I came across this idea in something I was reading recently. “Freewill is the most important variable in the geometry of time”. I take this to mean that the choices we make create the future. If the future were fixed we would not really exist as the only real existence is knowing we do exist and our choices have meaning.

When healing or change is required we have the option of palliative medicine that brings a temporary relief from our symptoms. There are many palliatives that make us feel better in our lives and do not correct the core condition.

Anyone reading this blog after a while comes to know that my belief system contains the power of self created miraculous experience. My personal experiences and work as a therapist confirms this, it also confirms the patient’s necessity of choosing true relief. If there is anything that impedes change it is habits, habits of mind and body.

I wish you all a miraculous year, a year where you are very conscious of your choices and the probable outcomes of those choices; a year where you observe yourselves and enjoy yourselves.


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