Seeds of Change

stonesAs I have mentioned before, I have mentors living and dead.  My favorite therapist, Milton Erickson, has been dead for quite some time. Fortunately there are so many books analyzing his life work.  Recently I have been having synchronicities all around me helping me.

I was reading last night “Conversations With Milton Erickson Volume One” and found that Milton too expressed being disturbed at times. He said there were times “when I know a patient is going to go and deliberately give up”.

People sometimes say they want change and do whatever they can to avoid it.  They prefer the comfort, predictability, and the perceived benefits of being a victim over the discomfort, change, forgiveness and personal responsibility of change.

A mentor and friend of mine here in town reminded me that sometimes a visit to me will be a seed that will begin to grow in its own time, perhaps months or years from now.  I know  this is true.


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