I have not posted in quite some time and I think it is time to do so. Many things change in the world and many things remain the same.
I have seen two cigarette smokers recently and its been generally unsatisfying. As medicine says to knowingly do no harm, I say respect each person’s free will. Smokers often do not want to stop smoking but due to illness and family pressures they want a therapist to make them stop. This is an interesting position for me as a hypnotherapist as it requires me to stay within the bounds of my beliefs that include helping them to understand they must want to stop if there is to be effective help given. I also only use hypnosis in the context of helping someone get results they really want.
Both smokers had very bad health due to cigarettes and both didn’t really want to stop. Their appointments had been created by family members. I bent my personal rule to see them for only one appointment to begin and I doubt either will return in spite of life threatening disease. And, it is their body to do with what they wish and I respect that.
The right and the gift of choice is a very big thing for all of us. We do create our reality on many levels and its just an experience from which we may gain wisdom. I was a smoker and I got the experience and fortunately for me I am still choosing better health.
Everyone has addictions. I have a very intuitive friend, Echo Bodine, and she wrote in her book Echos of The Soul: “Addictions on the soul’s level, can be seen as an ongoing part of the battle between the physical realm and the spiritual realm to determine which is ultimately in power.” I like that!