Well I was once a little boy and a conversation today reminded me of that fact. It is certainly true that in every life experience there are the aspects of environment, heredity, and some unknown forces that move us to be one way or the other.
If you grow up in Minnesota you learn how to build a snow fort when the snow falls wet and sticky.
And if your dad gardens you learn to use a wheelbarrow.
If you have sisters you grow up a bit different than if you have brothers.
Would I have become an Eagle Scout without my father’s support and encouragement?
I didn’t become what my dad wanted me to become, an accountant or a salesman, as I was not suited to those careers. I suggest people follow their passion in life. It is the most certain path to success. Success being self-fulfillment and satisfaction.
My dad passed away now four years ago. I continue to marvel at his tenacity, commitment, sacrifice and intrinsic morality and ethics.
I liked to lay on the ground in the summer and watch the clouds go by. Some neighbor commented that I seemed lazy, but it is really important to lay down and watch the clouds go by sometimes.
So you grow up and you have experiences. If you are fortunate you have many adventures and if you are fortunate you always remember that you have a special essence within you. You realize you are unique and your path through life is yours to create.
Maybe the best thing to do is to do the best you can with the talents and strengths you have. As the great thinkers have always said “know yourself”.