I’m taking some time off. I’m in Minnesota to attend my 50th high school reunion. It was a class of 862 and over one hundred of the class are dead. I’ve heard stories of others very ill or chronically ill who can’t attend.
I’m grateful to be here and in good health even though I’m limping from and overzealous Pickle ball game. I have sprained my left calf muscle. I was having fun learning how to play but overestimated my bodies conditioning. I was warned by a close friend too.
Below are The Patricians we played music together professionally in both junior and senior high school. We have rehearsed a few songs and play them in the High School auditorium tomorrow. It’s been fun to get together. I’m so grateful to be able to do this, it is a gift.

The Patricians
One of the authors I read is Michael Newton. He is a Hypnotherapist who specializes in past life regressions focusing on the “place” and “time” between lives. I happened on an article talking about the similarities noted in 7000 people’s experiences between lives. It a good read and the website itself is one worth subscribing to.
One of the similarities noted is that most souls in the world today are in an early stage of development. That explains so much. I am always wondering why we the people don’t act in concert to change the priorities on this planet or why people are so clueless. And in the most sad of ways ways people are hypnotized to a narrative that they think is a result of their brilliant intellect, while all the while they are being manipulated through the very powerful tools of media, mass and social. We are glued to our devices.
We really have to break the trance we don’t realize we are in. And how does anybody become aware of being entranced, programmed.
There is a book that addresses this issue. I feel like I will have to reread it when I return home. It’s called: Trances People Live by Steven Wolinsky.
Here is a description of the book. Read the book and get a good therapist. A therapist can help you discover the trances you are in and help change them.
“At last, the missing piece of the dysfunctional puzzle. It is not enough to understand or even relive our childhood traumas. Dr. Wolinsky shows us how we continue to recreate those traumas in our adult lives and how to stop creating them. Every uncomfortable emotional state, and many psychosomatic symptoms, are also states of trance. Trance is the “glue” that holds the problem in the present moment. Learning to identify the kind of trance state beneath a problem or symptom gives us the tool that finally dissolves the glue. This book offers a gold-mine of resources for those who suffer from dysfunctional patterns of behavior or for anyone who feels stuck in an undesirable emotional or addictive state. Learning to step out of the trance states that create our problems and symptoms is to learn to step into the present moment at last free of the baggage from our past.”