Time Off

I’m taking some time off. I’m in Minnesota to attend my 50th high school reunion. It was a class of 862 and over one hundred of the class are dead. I’ve heard stories of others very ill or chronically ill who can’t attend.

I’m grateful to be here and in good health even though I’m limping from and overzealous Pickle ball game. I have sprained my left calf muscle. I was having fun learning how to play but overestimated my bodies conditioning. I was warned by a close friend too.

Below are The Patricians we played music together professionally in both junior and senior high school. We have rehearsed a few songs and play them in the High School auditorium tomorrow. It’s been fun to get together. I’m so grateful to be able to do this, it is a gift.

The Patricians

One of the authors I read is Michael Newton. He is a Hypnotherapist who specializes in past life regressions focusing on the “place” and “time” between lives. I happened on an article talking about the similarities noted in 7000 people’s experiences between lives. It a good read and the website itself is one worth subscribing to.


One of the similarities noted is that most souls in the world today are in an early stage of development. That explains so much. I am always wondering why we the people don’t act in concert to change the priorities on this planet or why people are so clueless. And in the most sad of ways ways people are hypnotized to a narrative that they think is a result of their brilliant intellect, while all the while they are being manipulated through the very powerful tools of media, mass and social. We are glued to our devices.

We really have to break the trance we don’t realize we are in. And how does anybody become aware of being entranced, programmed.

There is a book that addresses this issue. I feel like I will have to reread  it when I return home. It’s called: Trances People Live by Steven Wolinsky.

Here is a description of the book. Read the book and get a good therapist. A therapist can help you discover the trances you are in and help change them.

“At last, the missing piece of the dysfunctional puzzle. It is not enough to understand or even relive our childhood traumas. Dr. Wolinsky shows us how we continue to recreate those traumas in our adult lives and how to stop creating them. Every uncomfortable emotional state, and many psychosomatic symptoms, are also states of trance. Trance is the “glue” that holds the problem in the present moment. Learning to identify the kind of trance state beneath a problem or symptom gives us the tool that finally dissolves the glue. This book offers a gold-mine of resources for those who suffer from dysfunctional patterns of behavior or for anyone who feels stuck in an undesirable emotional or addictive state. Learning to step out of the trance states that create our problems and symptoms is to learn to step into the present moment at last free of the baggage from our past.”

Five Questions That Left Me Thinking…

Westport Wa.  September 2016

I was reading a blog post recently and one third of the way through the post I encountered the following:

“One way to begin discovering what kind of unconscious ideals we’ve been constructing in our own lives is to ask ourselves introspective questions like the following:

1) What sort of workplace would my company be if every employee was just like myself?; 2) What sort of home life would there be if every wife/husband/child was just like myself?; 3) What sort of neighborhood would this be if every neighbor were just like myself?;
4) What sort of self-worth would individuals have if every person had my self-esteem?; or, 5) What sort of church or synagogue would my congregation be if every member were just like myself?

Questions like these aren’t meant to discourage us but instead to help us realize just how powerful unconscious ideals have been in shaping what we’ve become, both positively and negatively.”

I hope someday to be able to answer all these with an adamant yes. For now these sentences may best be an easy way to check my progress.

Acceptance & Curiosity: A New Paradigm?


“Have we gotten it all wrong? When we can move beyond fear into curiosity, we find that illness is the body’s wisdom playing out in its own highly designed and incredibly personal way.”

i have long believed fear is the root of all our problems.  It’s a powerful tool for manifesting what we don’t want.

This is an interesting article with many informative links.    http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/fear-sickness

Childhood + Affection = Happier Adults

Are parents important in creating the state of mind of those children as adults? Absolutely!

“According to Child Trends – the leading nonprofit research organization in the United States focused on improving the lives and prospects of children, youth, and their families – science supports the idea that warmth and affection expressed by parents to their children results in life-long positive outcomes for those children.”

That is me in front of my snow fort. My childhood in Minnesota!

Here is a link to the article from the Gottman Institute


When I took Reiki Healing training one of the students was Katrina Dick. We have stayed in touch ever since and she has now opened an office in Elma Washington. Elma is about 35 minutes west of Olympia.
I visited her office this week and am wishing her great success.
She can be reached by phone at 1-360-480-7526

Only presenting an idealized version of ourselves separates us from others.

Elk in a pasture a few miles from my home.

Wanting to be liked we sometimes present our idealized self to others. What a therapist once described to me as selling ourselves. Not surprisingly, that most often creates the opposite result. The following is an excerpt from an article in the Harvard Business Review.

“In 1997, Arthur Aron, a social psychologist and director of the Interpersonal Relationships Lab at Stony Brook University, performed a groundbreaking study that answers this question.

He and his research team paired students who were strangers. The students were given 45 minutes to ask each other a series of questions. Half the pairs were given questions that were factual and shallow (e.g., a favorite holiday or TV show). The other half were given questions that started off as factual but gradually became deeper (e.g., the role of love in their lives, the last time they cried in front of someone else). The final question was, “Of all the people in your family, whose death would you find the most disturbing?”

After the 45 minutes, Aron’s team asked the participants to rate how close they felt to their partner. Pairs from the second group formed much deeper bonds. In fact, many of these participants started lasting friendships. In one longer version of the experiment, two participants even got engaged a few months after the study.”

Here is a link to the article.

Holistic Medicine

As my brilliant retired doctor says, “the medical system has gone to hell”.  The idea of treating the patient physically, mentally, and spiritually is virtually none existent. Physicians refer to specialists to limit liability under threat of malpractice having to do with the legal definition of the standard of care. There is a good historical analysis here.

In other countries physicians are encouraged to consider more than just tests and to treat the patient by considering many variables affecting the patient’s life. I have yet to find a practice in my city that incorporates multiple modalities within one office. It is ironic that one of the pioneers of hypnotherapy was a medical doctor. Dr. Milton Erickson was so successful at assisting patients that his approach is still the subject of analysis, research, publications and books.

Erickson wikipedia page
Erickson Foundation page

As I thought about this today I was thinking about how nice it would be to be part of a team consisting of multi-disciplinary professionals working in concert to assist patients with their symptoms. Perhaps someday that will be so. For now, each professional works with their own subset of tools, interpreting each patients symptoms within a narrow discipline.

The photo is of Milton Erickson

Back From The Dead After Three Days

There was this Russian scientist who was killed by the KGB and came back to life after three days of experience’s.

He said of life after being dead three days and having amazing experiences:
“Anyone who has had such an experience of God, who has felt such a profound sense of connection with reality, knows that there is only one truly significant work to do in life, and that is love; to love nature, to love people, to love animals, to love creation itself, just because it is. To serve God’s creation with a warm and loving hand of generosity and compassion – that is the only meaningful existence.”

He was part of a documentary that spoke to several people with near death experiences. Here is the link.